RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 places players in charge of managing amusement parks; rides can be built or demolished, terrain and scenery can be adjusted, and prices can be controlled to keep visitors or "peeps" happy.
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 is a strategy and simulation game in which players manage all aspects of an amusement park by building or removing rides, scenery and amenities, adjusting the park's finances, hiring staff, and keeping the park visitors, known as "peeps", happy. RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 features two main game modes. The career mode features scenarios where players must accomplish goals.
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 includes new gameplay features such as the CoasterCam, which allows players to "ride" roller coasters and other rides.

Ram= 256 MB
Graphics= 32 MB
1. Download with utorrent
2. Mount the ISO to a virtual drive with the program PowerISO or Daemon Tools
3. Copy the RCT3plus.exe file from the download folder and paste it into the game's folder. If it asks for replacement, click yes
4. Play the game and enjoy.. Ask me if you have any problem :)
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