
Genre......................... Action
Language................... English
File Size..................... 65.7 mb
Final Size................... 475 mb (After Installation)
File Format................. RAR File
Compression.............. Highly Compressed

Police: Tactical Training is a training simulator, which teaches accuracy and split second decision-making. The game consists of an indoor target range, alley walk scenarios, and different types of sniper training scenarios. Not only will you train in the daytime but you will also train at night with the aid of light amplification goggles and scope.
Remember to keep one eye on the clock and one on the target.
                      Good luck to you!

                    KEYS YOU SHOULD KNOW
                           1 = 9mm
                         2 = Sniper
                         3 = Shotugn
                           4 = Mp5
                [ ] = Scroll through weapons
      Right Mouse Button = Force reload on your weapon
                  + = Zoom in (Sniper Gun)
                  - = Zoom out (Sniper Gun)
        Enter = Quick outside scope look (Sniper Gun)
 Backspace = Skip target (used for sniper range levels. When
 you see an innocent target it will force it to pop down and
                      move to the next)
         N = Night vision on/off (only night levels)
                   Tab = Interface on/off
         Q = Qualify your weapon (target range only)

  C = Clear bullet holes in Target Ranges
                   QUALIFYING YOUR WEAPON

   The weapon being used in a level needs to be qualified
 first. So go into the target range to qualify your weapon.
 Hit Q when your ready, if you get the minimal score needed
 it's qualified and can be used in a level that allows that

OS..................... Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista and 7
Processor........... Pentium III
RAM................... 128 mb
Graphics Card.... 32 mb
File Size............. 65.7 mb 


1. Click on DOWNLOAD text below.

2. Wait for 5 secs and click "SKID ADat top right corner.

3. Remove the check mark as shown in the picture below:-

4. Then click on DOWNLOAD button as shown below.


1-Extract File With WinRAR
2-CLICK -> setup.bat [To Install The Game]
3-CLICK -> Police Tactical Training [To Play The Game]


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